Pimp my Europe http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho Tue, 27 Nov 2018 17:54:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.14 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshowp-content/uploads/2016/11/cropped-icon.svg_-32x32.png Pimp my Europe http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho 32 32 A commanding conclusion: „Pimp my Europe“ youth conference in Brussels http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/04/19/a-commanding-conclusion-pimp-my-europe-youth-conference-in-brussels/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/04/19/a-commanding-conclusion-pimp-my-europe-youth-conference-in-brussels/#respond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 20:05:31 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=359 europe
It was the highlight of the IBB project “Pimp my Europe”: More than 50 youths and young adults from Germany, Italy, and Hungary met in Brussels to organise a European youth conference. The participants have had an exciting week: International exchange, a behind-the-scenes look at European politics, but especially active discussions with Members of the European Parliament.

For three days, the youths, in six working groups, intensively prepared their discussions with politicians: Educational policy, environment, employment policy, war and peace – these are just a few of the topics of burning importance for the active youths. Thus, for example Dennis Radtke, Member of the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, was confronted with the youth’s demands for overcoming youth unemployment. The Italian EU representative Brando Benifei answered questions on his work for an hour, while Rainer Wieland, Vice-President of the European Parliament, discussed international crises and the problem of arms exports with the conference participants. Jávor Benedek, Vice-Chair of the Committee for Environmental Questions, as well as Members of the European Parliament Tiemo Wölken and Jens Geier, were also available. The youths also discussed their demands for an expansion of programmes for European youth exchanges with Krisztina Hegedüs, assistant to the Hungarian MEP Péter Niedermüller.

The participants all agreed that European politics has to become more transparent. Accordingly, they set an example and transmitted their conference as a live stream on the internet. During the other days of the conference, the youths evaluated the results of their previous meeting in Rome, and got to know Brussels and the European Parliament.

The conference in Brussels was not just the highlight, but also the conclusion of “Pimp my Europe”. For two years, the IBB project provided a framework for the shared project work of youths, actively engaged for an inclusive and confident European citizenship. But the end of “Pimp my Europe” should inspire no sorrow, as its successor is already on the way: The International Association for Education and Exchange is initiating a new funding programme entitled “Generation Europe”, building on the experiences of “Pimp my Europe”. With project partners in 14 European countries, the new programme will enable the participation of a significantly greater number of youths. We are looking forward in excitement. Further information will be published by IBB soon.

Re-Live – The recorded livestream from the Brussels conference:

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/04/19/a-commanding-conclusion-pimp-my-europe-youth-conference-in-brussels/feed/ 0
Pitches of the youths in Brussels http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/30/pitches-of-the-youths-in-brussels/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/30/pitches-of-the-youths-in-brussels/#respond Fri, 30 Mar 2018 14:53:37 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=373 The youths of Pimp my Europe worked on several topics and proposals during the conference in Brussels in preparation to discuss with the Members of the European Parliament. Here are the pitches with their ideas for changing Europe.


http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/30/pitches-of-the-youths-in-brussels/feed/ 0
European Youth Conference in Brussels: Confidently fashioning Europe http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/20/european-youth-conference-in-brussels-confidently-fashioning-europe/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/20/european-youth-conference-in-brussels-confidently-fashioning-europe/#respond Tue, 20 Mar 2018 09:48:16 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=348 On to the centre of European politics: From the 24th to the 29th of March, youths and young adults from Germany, Italy, and Hungary meet in Brussels. As part of the IBB project “Pimp my Europe” they organise a European youth conference in order to discuss their ideas and demands with EU politicians.

They live, for example, in Budapest, Florence, or Oberhausen. They are between 16 and 30 years old, and as diverse as European society: They possess biographies with and without a history of flight or migration, live with and without handicap. They are pupils, in an apprenticeship, or are looking for a job. Before taking part in “Pimp my Europe” most of them had little contact with politics.

This has now changed. After workshops and project work, they have become more like experts for their own affairs. They already intervened in their respective locations, and there was a first international meeting in Rome. Now they are taking the next step: In Brussels, the active youths have a week of time to gather their experiences and develop them into demands for European politics. On Wednesday, the 28th of March, they then invite Members of the European Parliament to confront them with their ideas.

“We care for an inclusive and confident European citizenship”, says Matthias C. Tümpel, Chairman of IBB e.V. “I am very glad, that with this project we are able to inspire youths to participate – and this on a level considered impenetrable even by most adults. We will continue this work with dedication.”

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2018/03/20/european-youth-conference-in-brussels-confidently-fashioning-europe/feed/ 0
Pimp my Europe in Rome http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/12/01/pimp-my-europe-in-rome/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/12/01/pimp-my-europe-in-rome/#respond Fri, 01 Dec 2017 15:44:21 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=382 At the beginning of November, it finally happened! Around 50 young people from Germany, Italy and Hungary met for the first time in Rome as part of the “Pimp my Europe” project in order to bring the European idea to life. In addition to many activities such as an excursion to the Italian capital, there were of course also work-intensive workshop units on the program, in which the young people discussed their vision of a modern Europe. The participants presented and discussed their results together with politicians from the three participating countries on the last project day at the Spazio Europa of the European Commission.

Bild könnte enthalten: 4 Personen, Personen, die lachen, Baum, Himmel, Gras, Kind, Schuhe, Menschenmasse, im Freien und Natur

Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, sitzt


Bild könnte enthalten: 5 Personen, Personen, die lachen, Personen, die stehen und Innenbereich

Bild könnte enthalten: 6 Personen, Personen, die sitzen, Tisch und Innenbereich

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/12/01/pimp-my-europe-in-rome/feed/ 0
All roads lead to Rome: “Level Up” commences in Duisburg http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/10/18/all-roads-lead-to-rome-level-up-commences-in-duisburg/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/10/18/all-roads-lead-to-rome-level-up-commences-in-duisburg/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:11:13 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=322 stellwand1

The IBB-Projekt “Pimp my Europe” starts into its second phase: In Germany, Italy, and Hungary youths are preparing to develop common perspectives for a Europe in solidarity. But before the active youths from three countries will meet in Rome for the first time next month, they started their work at their respective locations: From the 6th to the 8th of October, the participants from Germany met for a first workshop in Duisburg.

What is our connection in Germany to Europe? What changes due to the political shift to the right in many European countries? What do we have to do with Brexit and the conflict Spain-Catalonia? And what would a European refugee policy in solidarity look like? Youths spent three days intensively dealing with such questions in small groups, then presenting their results to other participants. Additionally, they got to know the educational system of North Rhine-Westphalia better, in order to compare it with other European systems in the subsequent working process.

It is quite a diverse group, which IBB and its three local project partners City of Bochum, Werkstatt im Kreis Unna, and Roots & Routes Cologne could motivate for participation: Youths and young adults between 16 and 27 years of age, with and without refugee background, of which many did not had a great deal of prior contact with politics. This will change in the coming months: Following the working meeting in Rome, a common European youth conference in Brussels is planned for March 2018.

Thus, among other things, the youths recorded video statements on European topics which sting them. These statements should then be shown and discussed at their working meeting in Rome. Additionally, the youths from three countries will meet Italian politicians, in order to exchange their proposals and expectations for a shared Europe. The project “Pimp my Europe – Level Up” was made possible by funding from the European programme Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION. The preparatory seminar was implemented in the framework of the project “Empowered by Democracy” by the Bundesausschuss politische Bildung (bap e.V.).

collage-webFully motivated: “Pimp my Europe – Level Up” at Landschaftspark Duisburg.


BAP empowered


http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/10/18/all-roads-lead-to-rome-level-up-commences-in-duisburg/feed/ 0
Rapping for human rights http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/27/rapping-for-human-rights/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/27/rapping-for-human-rights/#respond Tue, 27 Jun 2017 08:20:57 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=337 Pimp my Europe” is progressing: From the 19th to the 22nd of May, youths from Bochum, Oberhausen, Cologne, and Unna met in Weimar to continue working on the topics of Europe, Democracy, and Human Rights. In four days they created media products creatively implementing the results of their previous workshops.

A photography exhibition on the topic of human rights, a rap song written by the youths themselves and professionally recorded, including a music video – these are the forms of expression the active youths decided upon. Thus, in Weimar they wrote song texts and improved them, researched backgrounds for photographs, and learned dance choreographies. Until late in the evening, the participants rehearsed, photographed, danced, and laughed. On Sunday, they continued to the recording studio in Erfurt – and to an industrial area, which provided further locations for videos and photos.

The project continues after the meeting in Weimar. In September, the music video and photography exhibition will be presented to the public at a vernissage and release party. As a follow-up event, a European youth conference in Brussels is planned.

The events of “Pimp my Europe” take place as part of the “Structured Dialogue” of the EU Youth Strategy and are funded by the European programme erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION. This event was also co-funded by Aktion Mensch.

Kick IMG_2259

Aktion Mensch AM_Foerderungs_Logo_RGB

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/27/rapping-for-human-rights/feed/ 0
photographic exhibition Pimp my Europe http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/25/photographic-exhibition-pimp-my-europe/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/25/photographic-exhibition-pimp-my-europe/#respond Sun, 25 Jun 2017 16:52:07 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=420 In the context of Pimp my Europe, a photo exhibition on the subject of human rights was created:



Remember Love

Remember Love



Prostitution from a different perspective

Prostitution aus anderem Blickwinkel aka Wer Arbeit sucht findet auch welche

Do you see, how my heart bleeds?

Seht ihr, wie mein Herz blutet

Application for Survival

Antrag auf Überleben

Family 1


Family 2



Fortress Europe

Festung Europa Fragezeichen

I love a woman

Ich liebe eine Frau

Human Trash

Human Trash

Article 1 – Right to Equality

Artikel 1 - Freiheit, Gleichheit, Schwester- und Brüderlichkeit

Article 17 – Right to Own Property

Artikel 17 - Recht auf Eigentum

Article 18 – Freedom of Belief and Religion

Artikel 18 - Gedanken-, Gewissen- und Religionsfreiheit

Article 19 – Freedom of Opinion and Information

Artikel 19 - Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit

Article 25 – Right to Adequate Living Standard

Artikel 25 - Recht auf Wohlfahrt

Article 26 – Right to Education

Artikel 26 - Recht auf Bildung

Article 27 – Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community

Artikel 27 - Freiehit des Kulturlebens

Article 28 – Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document

Artikel 28 - Soziale und internationale Bildung

Article 2 – Freedom from Discrimination

Artikel 2 - Verbot der Diskriminierung

Article 5 – Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment

Artikel 5 - Verbot der Folter

Article 6 – Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law

Artikel 6 - Anerkennung als Rechtsperson

Article 7 – Right to Equality before the Law

Artikel 7 - Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz

Article 8 – Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal

Artikel 8 - Anspruch auf Rechtsschutz

Article 12 – Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence

Artikel 12 - Freiheitsspähre des Einzelnen


http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/06/25/photographic-exhibition-pimp-my-europe/feed/ 0
“Pimp my Europe” in Weimar http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/05/29/pimp-my-europe-in-weimar-2/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/05/29/pimp-my-europe-in-weimar-2/#respond Mon, 29 May 2017 11:34:39 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=271 Youths develop perspectives for a democratic Europe without exclusion – this is the goal of the ewoca partner-project “Pimp my Europe”. In February, the active youths organised a youth conference at the State Parliament in Dusseldorf, and, together with politicians, discussed their hopes and ideas. Now the participants continue their work at a four-day workshop: From the 19th to the 22nd of May, they meet in Weimar to evaluate the results of their conference, produce a music video, and plan the continuation of their project on the European level.

At three events so far, the youths dealt with the topics of human rights, democracy, and European citizenship. At the meeting in Weimar, they are now primarily concerned with transforming their work into presentable forms, to inspire others for a democratic Europe. At a professional music studio, they will record a song they have written themselves, and produce an accompanying video. Their results will also be presented on the internet, using an Instagram photo gallery. Furthermore, the youths are preparing public exhibitions in some of the five participating cities.

But they continue working on the topics as well. A European youth conference in Brussels is planned as a follow-up event. The active youths will use one of the days of the Weimar workshop to gather ideas for the conference. The events of “Pimp My Europe” are taking place as part of the “Structured Dialogue” of the EU youth strategy and are funded by the European programme erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION.

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/05/29/pimp-my-europe-in-weimar-2/feed/ 0
Youth conference at the State Parliament in Dusseldorf: Democracy is what you make of it http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/youth-conference-at-the-state-parliament-in-dusseldorf-democracy-is-what-you-make-of-it/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/youth-conference-at-the-state-parliament-in-dusseldorf-democracy-is-what-you-make-of-it/#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:35:19 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=266 IMGP8396Not a trace of disenchantment with politics: On Monday, the 13th of February, active youths met with politicians of all factions at the State Parliament in Dusseldorf. The goal of the youth conference taking place as part of the “Pimp my Europe” project: Young people, active in local youth centres, develop perspectives for a Europe they wish for, together with the responsible parties in politics.

The youths prepared for their meeting with politicians on three days, with democracy simulation games, workshops, and even a course in rhetorics. Clearly, if you want to discuss with professional politicians at eye level, you don’t treat it lightly.

IMGP8458Carina Gödecke, President of the State Parliament welcomed the youths at the State Parliament. She was happy to have taken on the official patronage of the event. “After all, there is nothing more important than young people dealing with the question of how valuable the attainments of the European Union are for their lives and those of the following generations, and thus how much these attainments need to be protected.” The President of the State Parliament encouraged the youths to continue actively supporting the European idea. “It is young people like you that count.”

IMGP8575“In the beginning, all of us were a bit nervous”, says Jess Opitz, participating in the conference with the Cologne group of the youth network ROOTS & ROUTES. “But this soon vanished, as I realised how openly the politicians are talking to us. I am primarily interested in environmental topics – that is how we can pass on to our children a world worth living in.”

“Pimp my Europe” is a project of the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) from Dortmund. Beefing up Europe and bringing it back on track – that is roughly what the project name means. “Given Europe skeptics, Brexit, and strengthened right-wing populism, we realise that is an ambitious goal”, says Matthias C. Tümpel, Chairman of the Board of IBB e.V. “But I am glad that, with this project, we are able to contribute towards inspiring youths for participation.”

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/youth-conference-at-the-state-parliament-in-dusseldorf-democracy-is-what-you-make-of-it/feed/ 0
Pimp my Europe: Carina Gödecke, President of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia becomes the official patron http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/pimp-my-europe-carina-goedecke-president-of-the-state-parliament-of-north-rhine-westphalia-becomes-the-official-patron/ http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/pimp-my-europe-carina-goedecke-president-of-the-state-parliament-of-north-rhine-westphalia-becomes-the-official-patron/#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:31:59 +0000 http://OFFLINEZIP.wpsho?p=264 The IBB project “Pimp my Europe” receives prominent support: The president of the State Parliament in Dusseldorf, Carina Gödecke, is now the official patron of this series of meetings in Germany. The project connects youths and politicians, in order for them to develop perspectives for a democratic and solidary Europe together.

The project has already started: The active youths engaged with the topics of Human Rights and Democracy during day-long workshops in Unna and Dortmund. Now they are preparing for their next big step: On Monday, 13th of February, they will, together with representatives from politics, organise a youth conference at the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia. Carin Gödecke, President of the State Parliament, supported and attended to the conference planning from the beginning.

“We are very glad for receiving powerful tailwind from the Dusseldorf State Parliament”, says Elke Wegener, General Manager of the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.). “Without the support of Ms Gödecke, the project would not be possible in this way. We are thankful for being able to make a contribution towards a better understanding of active youths and decision-makers in politics.”

Youth organisations from Oberhausen, Unna, Weimar, Cologne, and Bochum participate in “Pimp my Europe” in Germany. In parallel, the project also takes place in Italy. As a follow-up meeting, a European youth conference in Brussels is planned, where the youths can exchange their results and bring the discussion to the European level. These events take place as part of the “Structured Dialogue” of the EU Youth Strategy, and are funded by the European programme erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION.

http://OFFLINEZIP.wpshoen/2017/03/15/pimp-my-europe-carina-goedecke-president-of-the-state-parliament-of-north-rhine-westphalia-becomes-the-official-patron/feed/ 0